[Important] Bitget MegaSwap is Live! 20,000 USDT Prize Pool Awaits!
Dear Bitgetters,
We are thrilled to announce that Bitget MegaSwap is officially live! Bitget MegaSwap is currently the industry’s most powerful DEX aggregator, combining the strengths of DeFi and CeFi. It supports one-click swap for tens of thousands of on-chain tokens, maximizing wealth generation for blockchain users.
With Bitget MegaSwap, you can convert tokens seamlessly with one click!
Try MegaSwap: https://www.bitget.com/en/megaswap
MegaSwap tutorial: https://www.bitget.com/en/academy/article-details/Comprehensive-Manual-to-Bitget-MegaSwap
To celebrate the global launch of our exclusive MegaSwap feature, Bitget is hosting the MegaSwap Trading Competition with a trading bonus prize pool valued at 20,000 USDT.
Register Now
Event duration: December 26, 2022, 12:00 PM - January 1, 2023, 12:00 PM (UTC+8)
Prize 1: 10,000 USDT trading bonus prize pool for new MegaSwap users
New MegaSwap users who sign up, complete identity verification, and convert tokens worth at least $50 on MegaSwap will receive a trading bonus of 10 USDT. The prize pool will be divided evenly for each day of the 7-day event and awarded on a first-come-first-served basis.
Prize 2: 10,000 USDT trading bonus for MegaSwap Trading Competition contestants
During the event, users who convert no less than $100 in any trading pairs on MegaSwap will be ranked based on their valid trading volume. The top 100 contestants will be rewarded with a trading bonus from a prize pool valued at 10,000 USDT.
Reward scheme:
Rank |
Trading bonus |
No. 1 |
3000 USDT |
No. 2 |
2000 USDT |
No. 3 |
1000 USDT |
No. 4 |
800 USDT |
No. 5 |
500 USDT |
No. 6-10 |
100 USDT |
No. 11-20 |
50 USDT |
No. 21-100 |
Split 1700 USDT |
Note: A valid trading volume must be no less than $100.
What makes Bitget MegaSwap stand out:
Supports 10,000+ tokens
Aggregates several leading DEX to provide optimal liquidity and the best exchange platform for users
Custodian wallet allows you to invest in digital assets without extensive technical knowledge
Ultra-secure experience
Real-time on-chain data updates
Information about popular tokens at your fingertips with a token white-list courtesy of our expert team
Terms and Conditions
1. Only users in specific regions who have registered on the event page and completed KYC authentication before the event ends are eligible for rewards.
2. The rewards in this event, totaling 20,000 USDT in trading bonuses, will be distributed within 10 working days after the event ends.
3. Users who participate in multiple events of the same type will only receive rewards from one of the events.
4. Please follow the instructions and register for the event. Participants are forbidden from profiting from malicious acts, such as using multiple accounts or other fraudulent behavior. Bitget has the right to disqualify users who are found to have committed malicious acts.
5. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to amending, changing, or canceling the event without prior notice.