Bot Copy Trading Income for Strategists
Bot Copy Trading allows grid traders to share their expertise in the spot or futures market, and gain a passive income stream through sales and subscribers. Here's how.
There are two types of fees a strategist can charge in Strategy Hub:
1. Strategy fees: the user pays the strategist for a strategy.
2. Subscription fees: the user subscribes to the strategist for 30 days.
Strategy fees
When publishing a strategy, strategists can set a purchase price from 0-50 USDT. The fee is deposited in your spot account when a trader purchases your strategy.
Fee: 0-50 USDT
Receiving account: spot
Payment processing time: one day, 6 PM (UTC+8)
If a user buys a strategy at any time on January 1, the payment is deposited in your spot account on January 2, 6 PM (UTC+8).
Subscription fees
As a verified Bitget strategist, you'll be able to charge 30-day subscription fees ranging anywhere from 0-300 USDT. Plus, you can adjust your subscription fee after every cycle.
Fee: 0-300 USDT (every 30 days)
Default fee setting: 150 USDT
Receiving account: spot
Payment processing time: 15 days, 6 PM (UTC+8)
If a user subscribes to you on January 1, their subscription fee will be deposited in your spot account on January 16, 6 PM (UTC+8);
The strategist will be verified within 15 days of every new subscription. If the strategist fails verification, the fee will be refunded to the user's account.
Fee cycle: 30 days
Renewal: users can auto-renew their subscriptions, with renewed subscriptions following the same payment processing time as above. Bitget will also continue to verify the strategist's conduct over a 15-day period.
Note that all fees are paid in full to strategists from buyers or subscribers. Bitget does not take a commission or charge handling fees.