Celebrating Our Time Together: Bitget 2023 Annual Report
Throughout our 5-year journey as the most dedicated crypto exchange, Bitget has never stopped finding ways to improve user experience with us. This year, we are happy to introduce the new Bitget 2023 Annual Report function, which should serve as a quick yet insightful summary of all your activities on Bitget.
Keep Track Of Your Portfolio
The idea of a personal annual report is to help our users - traders, investors, copy traders, stakers, and DeFi lovers alike - review the actions they've taken in 2023. Note that data is updated on a daily basis at 0:00 (UTC) for the freshest summary.
Key takeaways from the Bitget 2023 Annual Report include:
• Your overall trading data: total number of trades, total trading volume, monthly trading volume and monthly trends;
• Your spot trading data: total spot volume, number of coins traded and Top 3 most traded coins;
• Your futures trading data: total futures volume, futures cumulative profit, number of contracts traded, Top 3 most traded contracts and the most profitable contract for you in 2023;
• Your copy trading data: total copy trading volume, profits and number of contracts/coins traded;
• Your Earn data: total amount invested in Bitget Earn products, your Top 3 Bitget Earn products and cumulative profit
The Bitget 2023 Annual Report shows not only how well your trading strategies worked out for you this year but also how effective it is to put your idle funds to work with Bitget Earn. While the first data type is useful for strategy adjustment and refinement, the second one encourages the utilisation of funds. Same as with fiat money, hardly anyone lets their money sit lazily in their bank account; at least people will put their unused funds in savings accounts to grow their holdings, even at a sluggish pace.
How To Read Your Bitget 2023 Annual Report
The easiest way is to click on the Bunny button that says [Annual Report] right at the top of your home screen. You'll be redirected to the Bitget 2023 Annual Report main page, which should look like this:
Don't forget to read our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and tick the round checkbox before clicking [Start]. Your virtual assistant is Bunz, the futuristic bunny. We'll meet Bunz again shortly; now scroll up to journey through your 2023.
You can always re-read your Bitget 2023 Annual Report by going to your home screen or clicking on [Watch again] at the end of the report. Bunz, the futuristic bunny, also helps you to [Share] your 2023 review with friends and...
....when you click on [View the mystery egg], lovely Bunz will assist you in finishing your daily task to grab a share of 30,000 USDT!
Review your 2023 before making plans for the expected-to-be-bullish 2024 with Bitget!
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