Explore the Bitget futures zone
The Bitget futures zone boasts impressive features. New users can open positions and execute their first futures trade with just 10 USDT and no complex parameter settings.
Start futures trading in two simple steps with just 10 USDT!
1. Select the direction
○ Bullish: Buy 10 USDT worth of BTCUSDT.
○ Bearish: Sell 10 USDT worth of BTCUSDT.
2. Place the order
○ Place the order to view your expected profits.
Product advantages
1. User-friendliness: New futures users don't have to worry about complex parameter settings and can get started easily.
2. High accessibility: Open positions and get into the groove with just one click.
3. Low requirements: Make your first futures trade with just 10 USDT.
4. Low risk: The system automatically executes TP/SL when profits/losses reach 20% to mitigate risk.
Target users:
• New investors who are curious about futures trading but worried about its complexity.
• Users who would like to explore futures trading step by step and start with a small investment.