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Understanding CZ’s Number 4


On January 2, 2023, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) took to Twitter to share a set of New Year's resolutions, one of which emphasized his determination to disregard fear, uncertainty, doubt (FUD), fake news, and attacks targeted at Binance.

In the wake of a turbulent year in the cryptocurrency markets, CZ articulated his intention to simplify his approach in 2023 and allocate more time to fewer priorities. In a tweet, he outlined three affirmative actions focusing on education, compliance, product, and service. Additionally, he introduced a fourth directive to "Ignore FUD, fake news, attacks, etc." CZ encouraged his followers to refer back to this tweet whenever he mentions the number "4" in the future.

Furthermore, CZ recurrently incorporated the number "4" in his tweets, at times accompanied by a photo of himself gesturing the number with his fingers. This consistent reference to "4" serves as a symbolic representation of CZ's steadfast commitment to concentrate on driving development and innovation without being swayed by external distractions or adversities.

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