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Notice of Delisting 7 Spot Trading Pairs on 18 March 2024

Bitget Announcement2024/03/15 07:00
By:Bitget Announcement

Each digital asset we list is regularly reviewed for quality assurance to ensure it adheres to our platform standards.

In addition to the security and stability of the digital asset’s network, we consider numerous other factors in our evaluation process, including:

  • Trading volume and liquidity

  • Team involvement in the project

  • Development of the project

  • Network or smart contract stability

  • Activeness of the community

  • Responsiveness of the project

  • Negligence or unethical conduct

In light of a recent periodic review, Bitget is delisting a total of 7 trading pairs on 18 March 2024, 7:00 (UTC). Details are as follows:


Users are advised to note that:

  1. Deposit services for the delisting pairs are now suspended.

  2. Withdrawals will remain open for users until 18 April 2024, 7:00 (UTC)

  3. Please note that all pending trade orders for the mentioned pairs will automatically be cancelled.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Cryptocurrencies are subjected to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their research and invest at their own risk.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.

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