Messenger Team Telegram presented another update that allows advertising in bots and other features. In particular, by placing ads in bots and mini-applications, it will be possible to receive a portion of the profit from the placed advertising content.
In addition, as Pavel Durov himself stated, the platform has taken the first step towards becoming a global video platform. Now the messenger's servers compress videos in several quality options at once, optimize for streaming and automatically select the appropriate resolution based on the client's connection speed.
The implementation of this tool will allow video content to be uploaded to the platform much faster, while improving its quality, the messenger team believes.
The new update package also includes other improvements, including accurate user reaction counters, increased message limits for bots, and the ability to upload photos to sent messages.
Thus, the Telegram platform continues to expand its functionality for hundreds of millions of users, providing them with convenient tools for monetizing their content, despite the fact that Pavel Durov himself is under investigation in France and cannot leave the country.