Spot trading

How to do Spot Trading with Bitget

2022-11-23 04:285713265

Dear Global Bitgetters,

Bitget promises to deliver the best crypto experience from A to Z. Here is how you can start trading spot on Bitget, step-by-step:

Step 1: Create a Bitget account. Don’t forget to check out your Rewards Center to collect your $5,005 New User Reward!

New users can choose to register a new account with their phone number or with their email address.

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Step 2: Deposit your own asset in the Bitget spot account or buy USDT/USDC/BTC/ETH. We offer two methods for purchasing these coins; the detailed guide for P2P is available here and for using fiat here.

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Send cryptocurrencies from your other wallet to your Bitget Spot account.

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Buy cryptocurrencies via our P2P marketplace.

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Buy cryptocurrencies with your existing bank account.

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Buy cryptocurrencies with your Credit Cards/ApplePay/GooglePay.

Step 3: Once you have the deposit, head to Bitget Spot Trading and check out our cryptocurrencies selection! Our real-time order book will help you to adjust your bid/ask price.

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Charting tools are provided by TradingView.

Step 4: Choose your preferred pair and don’t forget to fill in the number for market order and other conditional orders. Once you’re done, click Buy/Sell.

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Step 5: To check your assets, go to Asset then Spot.

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Bitget Team