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Onramp Money: How to buy crypto with ARS, CLP & COP via bank transfer and Khipu on Bitget

Before starting, make sure to complete identity verification for ARS/CLP/COP deposits, or your payments won't be successfully processed.

App tutorial:

Step 1: Log in to the Bitget app > Tap Add funds at the top right corner > Select ARS/CLP/COP and then Bank Transfer or Khipu.

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Onramp Money: How to buy crypto with ARS, CLP & COP via bank transfer and Khipu on Bitget image 1

Alternatively, select Third-party payment to proceed.

Onramp Money: How to buy crypto with ARS, CLP & COP via bank transfer and Khipu on Bitget image 2

Step 2: Input the ARS/CLP/COP amount after selecting your desired cryptocurrency > Choose Onramp to proceed > Click Confirm to view the order details on Onramp.

Note: If you have already registered with Onramp, please log in to your account to proceed; otherwise, make sure to sign up and complete identity verification with Onramp before proceeding.

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Onramp Money: How to buy crypto with ARS, CLP & COP via bank transfer and Khipu on Bitget image 4

Step 3: After being redirected to Onramp's page, ensure complete required due diligence with Onramp in order to proceed with your transaction.

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Step 4: Your order will be paid from your selected payment method on Onramp, and you will then receive the corresponding cryptocurrency in your Bitget spot account.

Website tutorial:

Step 1: Log in to Bitget > Click Buy crypto at the top > Select ARS/CLP/COP > Select Bank Transfer or Khipu.

Onramp Money: How to buy crypto with ARS, CLP & COP via bank transfer and Khipu on Bitget image 6

Step 2: Select Onramp > Input the desired amount > Select the crypto you want to buy > Read and agree to the terms > Click Next.

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Step 3: The integrated window (Onramp–Bitget) is located on the right side of this page. Note: If you have already registered with Onramp, please log in to your account to proceed; otherwise, make sure to sign up and complete identity verification with Onramp before proceeding.

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Step 4: After the payment is successfully processed, the order details will be displayed as shown in the screenshot. You will then receive the corresponding cryptocurrency in your Bitget spot account.

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