Product details

Bitget Contract Carnival Week, Win $80,000

Dear Bitget users:

Bitget invites you to participate in the contract carnival and win 80,000USDT rewards.
When: Mar. 12 -Mar. 19, 2021 (UTC+8)

Click to Participate

Event 1: Deposi t USDT to share 20,000 USDT
During the event, KYC users who deposit USDT to Bitget account will be able to share 20,000 USDT rewards. The maximum reward for each user is 20USDT trial fund, first come first served, while supplies last.
USDT net deposit = USDT deposit-USDT withdrawal

Event 2: Trade USDT margined contract to share 60,000 USDT
During the event, KYC users are ranked according to the USDT margined contract trading volume and unlock the corresponding prize pool.

User reward = user USDT margined contract trading volume / corresponding Usdt margined contract total trading volume * unlocked prize pool

Event Description

1. Please be sure to fill in the registration form to register for the event; 2. Event rewards will be issued to the BTC/USDT contract account within 7 working days after the event ends; 3. The contract trial fund can be used as a margin for trading, and it can also be used to deduct transaction fees/losses/funding costs; 4. The trial fund cannot be opened in both directions and cannot be withdrawn. Any transfer or withdrawal of funds will cause your trial gold to be cleared; 5. In order to ensure the fairness of the event, if there is any cheating in the process of participating in the event, Bitget will immediately disqualify the award; 6. Bitget reserves the right to interpret the activity and the right to deal with the cheating behavior of users participating in the activity.


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【Platforms Bitget Settled in 】


