Announcement center

Bitget List BioPassport (BIOT) in Innovation Zone

Bitget Global Users,

Bitget is listing BioPassport (BIOT) in the Innovation Zone. Users may now deposit and withdraw BIOT on the asset page. The specific details are as follows:

BIOT (ERC-20) Deposit and Withdrawal Time


BIO T/USDT Trading Time

November 30, 2021 05:00 (UTC)

Introduction BioPassport

BioPassport's mission is to provide a holistic solution to a variety of interrelated issues within the healthcare industry that have plagued both patients and providers for decades, and to upscale the industry to current standards of life in the age of connectivity.

This is in hopes of making healthcare a personal component of our daily lives. Doing so will provide lasting benefits for the individual patient, public health, healthcare providers, and private business organizations.

Click here for more information on BIOT.


Cryptocurrencies are subjected to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their own research and invest at their own risk.

Bitget Team

November 29, 2021

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