Announcement center

Bitget Will Support the Reserve Rights (RSR) Contract Address Migration

Bitget Global Users,

Bitget will support the Reserve Rights (RSR) contract address migration that is happening on January 13, 2022, 11:59 (UTC). Details are as follows:

  • Deposits and withdrawals of RSR will be suspended from January 12, 08:00 (UTC) onwards. Please ensure that you leave sufficient time for your RSR deposits to be fully processed prior to this time. RSR deposits that were made after the suspension, the transaction will not go through.
  • Token migration will be completed automatically. Trading will not be affected during the migration.
  • Bitget will resume RSR deposit and withdrawal after the migration is completed. Please stay tuned for a separate announcement regarding the resumption time.
  • New RSR (ERC-20) contract address: 0x320623b8e4ff03373931769a31fc52a4e78b5d70

For more details regarding the RSR contract address migration, please refer to:

Reserve Rights (RSR) contract update scheduled for 01/13/2022


Cryptocurrencies are subjected to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their own research and invest at their own risk.

Bitget Team

January 13, 2022

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