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Spot Transaction Records

Frequency limit: 1 times/1s (User ID)


Spot transaction records

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/tax/spot-record
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Request Parameters

coinStringNoDefault all coin type
startTimeStringYesStart time, Unix millisecond timestamps
endTimeStringYesEnd time, Unix millisecond timestamps
The maximum interval between startTime and endTime is 30 days.
limitStringNoDefault: 500, maximum: 500
idLessThanStringNoThe last recorded ID
Response example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1687257612262,
"data": [
"id": "1",
"coin": "AIBB",
"spotTaxType": "Interest",
"amount": "6018333.33333333",
"fee": "0",
"balance": "468575833.33333306",
"ts": "1686128884851"

Response parameters

idStringRecord ID
spotTaxTypeStringtax type spot
feeStringTransaction fee
balanceStringTotal accounts
tsStringWhen this record was generated Timestamp


  • Deposit
  • Withdrawal
  • User fees
  • Fiat withdrawal success - Deduct
  • Sell
  • Buy
  • Transaction fee deduct
  • Strategic purchase-user accounts
  • Subscribe to trader-user accounts
  • System charges fees
  • Strategic refund-User account
  • Subscription fee refund-user account
  • Strategic Income-Traders' accounts
  • Crypto Voucher Distribution
  • Copy Trade expense
  • Judicial recall
  • Copy Trade profit
  • Refund Copy Trade commission
  • Buy Crypto
  • Deduction of judicial recall
  • Buy with card
  • System lock-up
  • Airdrop Reward-B
  • Decrease due to ETF settlement
  • Increase due to ETF settlement
  • System lock-up
  • User lock-up
  • Trading fee rebate
  • Manage background lock positions
  • Automatic deposit
  • Automatic withdrawal
  • Deposit from strategy account
  • Withdraw to strategy account
  • Lotto rewards
  • User contract trial fund
  • User contract simulation fund
  • Delegate
  • Undelegate
  • Rebate rewards
  • Rebate rewards
  • Consumption
  • Gains
  • Unlock locked order
  • Deduction
  • Return
  • Release
  • Repayment
  • Forced liquidation return
  • The locked order is returned to the system
  • The locked order is returned to the system
  • Failed
  • Withdrawal frozen
  • Mirror fund
  • Supplement fund
  • Reduce fund
  • Settlement out
  • Withdrawal unfreeze
  • Deposit
  • Deposit
  • Ordinary Withdrawal
  • Ordinary Withdrawal
  • Fast withdrawal fee
  • Airdrop Reward-A
  • Subscribe
  • Interest
  • Penalty
  • Redemption
  • Activity fund(USDT-Ⓜ)
  • Activity fund
  • Activity fund(Coin-Ⓜ)
  • Activity fund
  • Increase exchange rate
  • Reduce exchange rate
  • Transfer in
  • Activity issuance
  • Transfer out
  • Super account
  • System account
  • Exchange spending
  • Exchange income
  • Sent
  • Received
  • MegaSwap Transfer in
  • MegaSwap Transfer out
  • Channel referral rewards
  • System account
  • Sell Crypto
  • Fiat deposit

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