How to withdraw via ZEN on Bitget?
Step 1: Navigate to Buy Crypto , then hover over the Pay With menu to browse available fiat currencies. Select your preferred fiat currency and click on Bank Deposit > Fiat Withdraw .
Step 2: Select the type of fiat currency you want to withdraw.
Step 3: Specify the amount of fiat currency you wish to withdraw.
Step 4: Confirm the withdrawal details.
Step 5: Complete secure verification to continue processing your withdrawal.
Note: Withdrawals are automatically processed if your ZEN account is connected to Bitget. No additional actions are required via ZEN.
Step 6: You have successfully submitted a withdrawal request. The funds will generally be credited to your account within one working day. Withdrawals using fast transfer methods may arrive as quickly as 10 minutes. Check your account for details.
Where to view your funds
You can monitor the status of the funds on the asset page or by scrolling down the withdrawal page.