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Get Trader's Historical Orders

Rate limit: 5 req/sec/UID

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/copy/mix-broker/query-history-traces
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:your apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

idLessThanStringNoSeparate page content before this ID is requested (older data), and the value input should be the end ID of the corresponding interface.
idGreaterThanStringNoSeparate page content after this ID is requested (newer data), and the value input should be the end ID of the corresponding interface.
startTimeStringNoStart timestamp
(Copy trade creation time)
Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026383085
(The maximum time span supported is three months. The default end time is three months if no value is set for the end time. )
endTimeStringNoEnd timestamp
(Copy trade creation time)
Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026383085
(The maximum time span supported is three months. The default start time is three months ago if no value is set for the start time. )
traderIdStringYesTrader user ID
symbolStringNoTrading pair
productTypeStringYesProduct type
USDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures
COIN-FUTURES Mixed futures
USDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures
limitStringNoNumber of queries: Default: 100, maximum: 100
Response example
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"trackingList": [
"trackingNo": "1",
"openOrderId": "112345",
"closeOrderId": "2312312",
"marginMode": "cross",
"posSide": "long",
"symbol": "ETHUSDT",
"openLeverage": "20",
"openPriceAvg": "2122",
"openTime": "1627354109502",
"openSize": "10",
"closePriceAvg": "2300",
"closeTime": "1627354109502",
"closeSize": "2122",
"openFee": "-0.12",
"closeFee": "-0.13",
"marginAmount": "300",
"followCount": "12",
"cTime": "1627354109502"
"endId": "123"
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627354109502

Response parameters

trackingListListOverview of elite trade history
>trackingNoStringCopy trade ID
>openOrderIdStringOpening order ID
>closeOrderIdStringClosing order ID
>marginModeStringPosition mode
isolated: isolated margin
cross: cross margin
>posSideStringPosition direction
long: long position in hedging mode
short: short position in hedging mode
>symbolStringTrading pair
>openLeverageStringLeverage for opening position
>openPriceAvgStringAverage entry price
>openTimeStringPosition opening time (millisecond timestamp)
>openSizeStringOpening volume
>closePriceAvgStringAverage closing price
>closeTimeStringPosition closing time (millisecond timestamp)
>closeSizeStringClosing volume
>openFeeStringOpening fee (excluding discounts)
>closeFeeStringClosing fee (excluding discounts)
>marginAmountStringMargin amount
>followCountStringNumber of followers for this order
>cTimeStringOrder creation time
endIdStringLast tracking order ID.
This is used when idLessThan/idGreaterThan is set as the querying scope.

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