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Get Trader List

Rate Limit: 5 req/sec/UID

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/copy/mix-broker/query-traders
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:your apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

traderIdStringNoTrader user ID
traderNameStringNoTrader alias
(fuzzy match)
e.g. Zhang => Zhang San, Zhang Tianming
fullStatusStringNoFull or not (querying all by default)
Full: Querying elite traders reaching maximum capacity for followers
All: Querying all
sortRuleStringNoSorting rules
Composite by default
Composite: Based on overall performance
ROI: Based on ROI
totalPL: Based on total PnL
AUM: Based on AUM
sortFlagStringNoSorting in reverse order
Default: Desc
Asc: ascending
Desc: descending
languageStringNoChinese or English, affecting columnList.describe in the results
zh-CN: Chinese
en-US: English
pageSizeStringNoNumber of queries: Default: 20, maximum: 20.
pageNoStringNoPage number: Default: 1
Response example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1679453151215,
"data": [
"canTrace": "Yes",
"traderId": "**********",
"traderName": "xx-111111",
"maxLimit": "750",
"bgbMaxFollowLimit": "75",
"followCount": "23",
"bgbFollowCount": "49",
"traderStatus": "No",
"currentTradingList": [
"columnList": [
"describe": "ROI",
"value": "5739.62"
"describe": "Total PnL",
"value": "$12,376.16"
"describe": "Total followers PnL",
"value": "$747.81"
"describe": "AUM",
"value": "$50,079.15"
"describe": "Max drawdown",
"value": "2.09"
"describe": "Last 3W win rate",
"value": "100.00"
"totalFollowers": "49",
"profitCount": "108",
"lossCount": "0",
"tradeCount": "108",
"traderPic": "",
"maxCallbackRate": "2.099517",
"averageWinRate": "100",
"dailyProfitRateList": [
"rate": "4133.695901",
"cTime": "1693238400000"
"dailyProfitList": [
"amount": "7715.9787",
"cTime": "1693238400000"
"followerTotalProfit": "747.81119997",
"profitRate24hList": [
"rate": "6133.845805",
"cTime": "1695744000000"
"profit24hList": [
"amount": "12376.1621",
"cTime": "1695744000000"
"lastTradeTime": "1695780099629",
"tradeDays": "19629"

Response parameters

canTraceStringAllow to follow or not
traderIdStringTrader ID, string
traderNameStringTrader alias
maxLimitStringMaximum number of followers
bgbMaxFollowLimitStringMaximum number of followers granted by BGB holdings
followCountStringCurrent number of followers
bgbFollowCountStringNumber of followers granted by BGB holdings
traderStatusStringAlready following or not?
totalEquityStringTrader equity
currentTradingListList<String>Return up to three trading pairs
Current underlying assets for copy trading
columnListListElite trader performance indicators
>describeStringIndicator description, returning the description in different languages based on languageType.
>valueStringIndicator value
totalFollowersStringTotal number of followers
profitCountStringNumber of trades with positive profits
lossCountStringNumber of trades with losses
tradeCountStringNumber of transactions
traderPicStringElite trader avatar (url)
maxCallbackRateStringMaximum drawdown
averageWinRateStringAverage win rate
dailyProfitRateListListRecent 30days daily ROI
>rateStringInterest rate
dailyProfitListListRecent 30days daily PnL
followerTotalProfitStringFollowers' total profits
profitRate24hListListROI for the last 24 hours
>rateStringInterest rate
profit24hListListPnL for the last 24 hours
lastTradeTimeStringLast trading time
tradeDaysStringElite trade duration (days)

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