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Get P2P Merchant List

Frequency limit:10 times/1s (UID)


Get P2P merchant list

HTTP request

  • GET /api/v2/p2p/merchantList
Request Example
curl "" \  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*" \  -H "ACCESS-PASSPHRASE:*" \  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \  -H "locale:en-US" \  -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameter

onlineStringNoWhether online?
yes: online
no: not online
merchantIdStringNoMerchant ID
idLessThanStringNoThe minMerchantId returned from the previous query.
Returns data whose ID is less than the entry parameter.
limitStringNoNumber of queries
The default value is 100
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1681195810516,
"data": {
"merchantList": [
"registerTime": "1678674575000",
"nickName": "zed-test1",
"isOnline": "no",
"merchantId": "3784051421",
"avgPaymentTime": "0",
"avgReleaseTime": "0",
"totalTrades": "0",
"totalBuy": "0",
"totalSell": "0",
"totalCompletionRate": "0",
"trades30d": "8",
"sell30d": "4",
"buy30d": "4",
"completionRate30d": "0.8"
"minMerchantId": "594"

Response Parameter

merchantListArrayMerchant list
registerTimeStringRegistration time
isOnlineStringWhether online?
merchantIdStringMerchant ID
avgPaymentTimeStringAverage payment time
(in minutes)
avgReleaseTimeStringAverage time to release coins
(in minutes)
totalTradesStringTotal traded orders
totalBuyStringTotal number of purchase orders
totalSellStringTotal number of sell orders
totalCompletionRateStringTotal execution rate
trades30dString30-day trading volume
sell30dString30-day sell orders
buy30dString30-day purchase orders
completionRate30dString30-day close rate
minMerchantIdStringReturns the smallest merchantId in the result