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Create Virtual Subaccount

Frequency limit: 5 times/1s (User ID)


This interface currently supports the creation of virtual sub-accounts in batch.

HTTP request

  • POST /api/v2/user/create-virtual-subaccount
Request Example
curl -X POST "" \  -H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \  -H "ACCESS-SIGN:*" \  -H "ACCESS-PASSPHRASE:*" \  -H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \  -H "locale:en-US" \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -d \'{"subAccountList": ["bitgeton"]}'

Request parameters

subAccountListList<String>YesVirtual alias8-character English lettersGlobal unique
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1682660169412,
"data": {
"failureList": [
"subaAccountName": "[email protected]"
"successList": [
"subaAccountUid": "9837924274",
"subaAccountName": "[email protected]",
"status": "normal",
"label": "",
"permList": [
"cTime": "1682660169573",
"uTime": "1682660169573"

Response Parameters

failureListArraySub-account array creation failed
- Alias already exists
- The number of sub-accounts created has reached the limit
subaAccountNameStringSub-account name
successListArraySub-account array created successfully
subaAccountUidStringSub-account uid
subaAccountNameStringSub-account name
statusStringSub-account status
normal Normal
freeze Freeze
del Deleted
permListListSub-account permissions
transfer Transfer
deposit Deposit
withdraw Withdraw
spot_trade Spot trade
contract_trade Futures trade read-write
readonly read Read permissions
The default permissions for sub-accounts are spot_trade & contract_trade
cTimeStringSub-account creation time, Unix millisecond timestamps.
uTimeStringSub-account update time, Unix millisecond timestamps.