Sharkfin Products
Frequency limit: 10c/1s (Uid)
HTTP Request
- GET /api/v2/earn/sharkfin/product
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:you apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
coin | String | Yes | shark coin |
limit | String | No | Number of queries: Default: 20, maximum: 100. |
idLessThan | String | No | Separate page content before this ID is requested (older data), and the value input should be the end ID of the corresponding interface. |
Response example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1696754489003,
"data": {
"resultList": [
"productId": "1094717036254658560",
"productName": "USDT/ETH_20231009",
"productCoin": "ETH",
"subscribeCoin": "USDT",
"farmingStartTime": "1696744800000",
"farmingEndTime": "1696831200000",
"lowerRate": "7.06",
"defaultRate": "7",
"upperRate": "8.8",
"period": "7",
"interestStartTime": "1696838400000",
"status": "in_progress",
"minAmount": "0.1",
"limitAmount": "500001.0",
"soldAmount": "310187.2",
"endTime": "1696831200000",
"startTime": "1696744800000"
"endId": "1094717036254658560"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
resultList | List<Object> | sharkfin product list info |
productId | String | productId |
productName | String | sharkfin product name |
productCoin | String | sharkfin product coin |
subscribeCoin | String | sharkfin subscribe coin |
farmingStartTime | String | Start time, Unix millisecond timestamp |
farmingEndTime | String | end time, Unix millisecond timestamp |
lowerRate | String | Minimum rate |
defaultRate | String | Default rate |
upperRate | String | Maximum rate |
period | String | investment period |
interestStartTime | String | Interest calculation start time |
status | String | Product statusnot_started Warming upin_progress Subscribingpaused Pausedcompleted Ended<br/ />sold_out is sold outoff_line is offline |
minAmount | String | Product minimum limit |
limitAmount | String | Product quota If there is no limit, return unlimited |
soldAmount | String | Quota sold |
startTime | String | No |
endTime | String | No |